A Note from Ms. Sickler
For those celebrating today, Happy Mother’s Day!
On behalf of the entire Harvest staff, we are so appreciative of all the kindness this past week as we celebrated Staff Appreciation Week. Our staff is grateful for the treats last week and the ongoing support all year!
The SAS Wellness Committee is partnering with Still Waters Counseling to offer a Parent Webinar with Q&A Session focused on anxiety. The session is hosted by Smita Nagpal, Ph.D., Co-owner and Director of Programs Development at Still Waters Counseling. She will discuss why anxiety happens and physiological responses to anxiety, and she will offer tips and resources for parents to support their children. Finally, the session will conclude with a Q & A portion.
This event will take place on May 11th, 2022, via Zoom. There are two opportunities for you to attend. One is at 12:30 pm and the second is at 6:30 pm. Both sessions will cover the same information, so you do not need to attend both.
The Zoom link and codes for the May 11th, 12:30 pm session are:
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
84953966016?pwd= YWU1bjhtVFNIcFZaR3BrTGtDMVNPdz 09 - Meeting ID: 849 5396 6016
- Passcode: 188136
The Zoom link and codes for the May 11th, 6:30 pm session are:
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
82005134000?pwd= YVZoKzlBbGZ0NmpqYklFbkF6SXprUT 09 - Meeting ID: 820 0513 4000
- Passcode: 177582
May/June Specials Calendar
PTA Points
- Be on the lookout, we will be sending out more information this week about volunteers for our Field Day on Friday, May 27th!
- Sign up for lunch help HERE (through May 20th).
Quick Links
- Harvest Daily COVID-19 Tracker
- Harvest Spirit Wear Order Form
- Breakfast & Lunch Menus
- Harvest In-Person Toolkit
- Harvest Elementary Website Main Page
District Notes
From Dr. Laatsch’s May 6th Community Message:
Board of Education Meeting
Tuesday, May 10th at 6:30 PM, Liberty School
Zoom Link
Read entire message HERE.
Sweet Tweets of the Week
Did You Know?
Did you know that we continue to follow the Washtenaw County Health Department guidance regarding COVID-19 (linked here)? Page 4 has specific guidance regarding returning to school after a positive test including:
- Students and staff must isolate for at least 5 days after symptom onset (considered day “0”). They should not return to school unless symptoms have significantly improved and they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours.
- At this time, we are requiring students and staff to have a negative rapid test (NOT a PCR test) prior to returning to school. This will determine if the individual is still contagious. We can offer a test at school or provide free at-home test kits for use at home if needed.
- Students and staff must continue to wear a fitted mask through day 10 after symptom onset (which is day “0”). KN95 masks are available in the office for all students and staff returning after a COVID infection if needed.
Please reach out to one of our district nurses if you have any questions regarding this guidance:
- Karan Hervey: hervekar@salineschools.org
- Wendy Portwood: portwoow@salineschools.org
Thank you for your continued partnership as we continue to navigate COVID-19 in the school setting!