Week of January 13th – 17th

A Note From Ms. Sickler

Please take a moment to review our Harvest drop-off/pick-up rules. To keep all of the children safe at Harvest Elementary School we ask that you follow these rules when dropping off or picking up your child from school.

Morning Drop-Off

  • Do not park anywhere in the drop-off loop or anywhere in the drive leading into the loop.  If you need to enter the building, please park in the lot adjacent to the drop-off loop and come into the building.
  • The morning drop-off is a seven-second drop-off.  Do not exit your vehicle in the drop-off loop.
  • Traffic will begin to back up into the parking areas.  As always, you may choose to park in either lot and walk your child to the front door.  If you park in the west lot, please do not walk between school buses.  This is not safe, as our drivers cannot see you passing there.
  • Children MUST exit the car on the passenger side of the car while in the drop-off loop.  If your child needs to exit the car on the driver’s side, please park your car in a designated parking place.  Walk your child to the sidewalk.  Children may then proceed to the entrance on their own.

Afternoon Pick-Up

  • Do not leave your car unattended at any time in the pick-up loop or the drive into and out of the school.
  • You may be ticketed if your vehicle is found unattended.
  • Students may not walk into the pick-up loop to enter a vehicle.  They may only enter the vehicle at the curb and enter on the passenger side of the car.
  • When parking in either parking lot, please walk to the sidewalk and meet your child there.  Students may not walk into a parking lot unattended at any time.
  • If parking in the west parking lot (closest to Saline High School), please walk with your child to the parking lot behind the line of busses and not between the busses.

Thank you for taking the time to review these rules to ensure we keep all Harvest students safe.

Ms. Sickler

Upcoming Events

Monday, January 13th

  • Specials Day 4

Tuesday, January 14th

  • Specials Day 5

Wednesday, January 15th

  • Specials Day 1

Thursday, January 16th

  • Specials Day 2

Friday, January 17th

  • Early Release Day – dismissal at 1:10pm
  • Specials Day 3

Save the Dates

  • Monday, January 20th – No School, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Tuesday, January 21st – WISD Parent Advisory Committee Meeting (invitation linked HERE)
  • Tuesday, February 4th – Harvest Science Fair (6pm)
  • Monday, February 17th – No School, President’s Day
  • Wednesday, February 19th – Harvest Coffee & Conversation (9:30-10:30am and 5:30-6:30pm)

PTA Points

The Harvest PTA would like to host a Cultural Heritage Night celebration on April 23, 2020. Our hope is to encourage families to share food, photos, games, music, stories or anything they wish with others who join us that evening. Tables will be provided for displays. At this time we are looking to compile a list of families who have an interest in participating. Students can group together if they choose to as well. Everyone is welcome to participate and attend!

Please fill out the interest form HERE.

Sweet Tweets of the Week


Did You Know?

Did you know that the Harvest PTA has reopened the brick sales for our commemorative courtyard by the flag pole? This is a special fundraiser that preserves your family’s message on a brick at our wonderful school. Order forms (linked HERE and coming home this week in your child’s take-home folder) are due by February 14th.

Ms. Sicker Reads!

Quick Links

District Calendar

Harvest Elementary Website Main Page

iChat Link (all parent volunteers need to fill this out prior to volunteering)

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